Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tuesday and Wednesday July 26 and 27

     Yesterday was a very lazy day as we prepared for our return trip.  We did a lot of couch time and rest after a long 11 days of constant activity.  We even ordered room service - twice.  It was a very rainy day in the mountains just to the north of San Jose.
     Of course, the boys had to make both the morning and afternoon feedings of the toucans and the hummingbirds.  Lawton was enjoying the toucans until one decided to give him a little nip for "overaggressive feeding."  No harm, no foul - but he decided feeding time was over.

     The hummingbirds truly are a spectacle.  There are so many buzzing your head at all times it is almost deafening.  The boys never got tired of the birds landing on their fingers to feed.  Each time the prize bird landed on their feeder, they shrieked "I have the violet saber wing on my feeder!"  At some point it elevated into a competition.  I have a feeling from now on, everything these boys do will somehow become a competition.  Just the nature of being a boy with a brother.
     A little swimming, a little hot tub, and the day was over.  After dinner, Lawton and I were tired and went to the room for last minute packing and bed.  Tara and Davis did the night frog tour.  Davis was very excited this morning as he told me of the nights events including holding a red eyed tree frog, glass frog, hourglass frog, and a yellow eyed tree frog.  He took extra enjoyment in telling me one of the frog peed on Tara.
Red Eyed Tree Frogs

Tara gets into the act!
    Up at 4am for a trip to the airport, we were all a little drowsy for the 1 hour drive back to the international airport.
    Just a shout out to Carlos Monge our travel agent who did a great job setting up a trip my boys (and therefore Tara and I) will remember their whole lives.  Also like to thank Jess Bass who transported us back and forth from the New Orleans airport.

1 comment:

  1. What's fabulous memory for all of you. Thanks for keeping us posted. We loved your trip.
