Sunday, July 17, 2016

Saturday July 17

Despite the lack of air conditioning, we all slept well (except Tara who heard the sounds of the jungle all night).  We were awakened to the sounds of squawking macaws and the low pitched rumble of howler monkeys.  Breakfast was served at 6:30AM and consisted of eggs, gallo pinto (black beans and rice), fresh fruit, homemade tortillas, yogurt, and bacon.  Lawton ate his eggs, my eggs, and would have eaten another two servings if we would have let him.  Thick costa rican coffee and fresh squeezed OJ completed the “fueling up” portion of our day. 
After fitting rubber boots, a huge tapir walked across the property.  It was twice the size of any tapir i have seen in a zoo.  Definitely a male as his posterior supported his “twig and berries” which was more like a “stump and mangos.”  
Leaf Cutter Ants
Our guide Bryan took us for a hike through Corcovado National Park.  The biodiversity was impressive.  Green everywhere you looked.  Massive trees, beautiful heliconia, massive ferns, and animals were everywhere.  On the 2 mile trip to the San Pedro Ranger Station, we saw many animals.  Although our guide was good, it was Davis who seemed to spot all the animals.
We first spied a line of leaf cutter ants clearing an area of the forrest.  Tiny insects carrying leaves many times their own body weight.  Pretty impressive.  
Lawton was a trooper.  His little legs tired quickly, but i was proud of his effort up and down the muddy slopes of the hills.  Although there was a little whining, after i took his backpack burden, I barely heard a whisper.
We spotted a number of monkeys in the trees near the ranger station.  This time, the dominant male came near us to “draw his line in the sand.”  He did this by trying to get above us and unleash a stream of urine that seemed to go on forever.  Luckily, his aim was not true and we decided to move on. 
At the ranger station, hermit crabs were everywhere.
White Faced Monkey
Spider Monkey
Davis of course was ecstatic.  Large basilisk would sun near the ranger station and scurry under the station when Davis would approach for photos.  
After a couple of soft drinks, we changed into swimming trunks and hiked to the most incredible waterfalls.  Davis, Lawton and I took a dip in the river and showered under the falls.  The boys preferred to have never left.  
Hiking back to the station and along the
beach trail, we spotted an agouti and a few large birds.  Monkeys must not like us as a number of squirrel monkeys tried to drop fruit on our group.  

We made our way back to the hotel and went to the beach.  A picnic lunch was served.  Sandwiches, veggie wraps, and a tasty salad of corn,hearts of palm, onions, and mushrooms which was my favorite.  
Beach time consisted of Lawton playing in the surf and Davis digging in the sand.  The black sand beaches were peaceful.  
Animals spotted today - brown forrest frogs, leaf cutter ants, tiger heron, agouti, hermit crabs, crocodile, basilisk, macaws, spider monkeys, white faced monkeys, tapir, puff bird, and kingfisher.
Swimming in the Waterfalls

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