Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Monday July 18th

     Today we said goodbye to Corcovado and the Osa Peninsula.  It was a very rainy goodbye.  Just as we took off for our 90 minute ride to the town of Sierpe, the skies opened up and didn't stop.  It rained almost the entire trip.  We were soaked to the bone.
     As we pulled into the dock, I wondered why I didn't see the local children swimming.  Then, what Davis thought was a rock started to move.  A nice sized crocodile was only a few yards off the port side of the boat.
Our Cabana
     Rain continued for our two hour drive north along the coast to Quepos.  I was glad I hired a driver, as the trip in the torrential rain and on curvy mountain roads would have quickly gotten me out of my driving "comfort zone."
     Arriving in Quepos, we checked into the Hotel Costa Verde.  Nice place with cabanas up the hill.  We settled into our place - finally air conditioning!!  After 3 days, the ability to have dehumidified air let our bodies finally feel dry.
Swimming with Crocs (Shoes not reptiles!)
   I realized how the three days of no electronics had affected Davis.  When we returned to a reliable internet connection, Davis choose his iPad over a swim in the hotel pool.  Lawton and I were rewarded with a sloth sighting on an almond tree no more than 5-6 feet from us.  Sleeping at the time, the 3 toed sloth looked more like a coconut than an animal.

Three-Toed Sloth

Davis decided swimming was more fun than the iPad
   In our room, Carlos (our travel agent) called with an updated confirmation number.  He suggested a restaurant up the street from us called El Patio Milagro.  Some of the best food we have had was in an independent place run by some expat's from the States.  The Caribbean Chicken with beans, rice, and plantains was really great.  Tara couldn't stop eating her meal of grilled shrimp, coconut rice, and vegetables.  The whole meal was worth the walk up the hill.
Caribbean Chicken with Rice, Beans and Grilled Plantains
Dinner at Milagro
Davis and Dad with our "special drinks"
    On the way back from dinner, we stopped at a couple of souvenir shops.  Lawton purchased a stuffed toucan.  He has named it Quepos.  I forget sometimes he is still a little kid.  Watching him fall asleep last night with the toucan tucked under his arm reminded me of how few days left before they discover mom and dad don't have all the answers and hang out with others who have the answers they want to hear.

1 comment:

  1. I would pet the sloth. I know that I can move faster than him.
